Let’s make some space to explore different ways to incorporate mindful creativity into your schedule, and change your life.
Creativity is often the safe haven we retreat to when we are running low on self-care; when our minds have become so frazzled with the complex and nuanced busyness of life.
Having time for mindful creativity connects you to something so human and natural that it’s hard to think of to-do lists and schedules whilst you do so. In fact, if you can do both simultaneously I dare say you have a super-power!
At the beginning of this year I came across The Colour Press on instagram and loved her work. The simplicity of her prints and the passionate for the craft shone through. Making things even more poetic she was based in Loughborough junction; a stone’s throw from where I grew up in Herne Hill. I jumped at the chance to collaborate on something unique; combining life coaching with letterpress to form Mind & Print.
The first day was intimate, beautiful, fun and at times emotional. We received beautiful feedback with one guest writing to say
” I really loved the workshop, I felt it was a nice transition throughout the day and great in the way it was organised and how it took you through the day like a journey. It gave me lots of inspo and it was amazing meeting like-minded lovely people. Learning more about our goals was really insightful, and having the opportunity to turn these into letterpress designs was fun – bringing ideas to life.”
We had accomplished our mission to create a sort of urban retreat for people once they walked through the doors of the arches.
As we approach the 2nd Mind & Print event to take place on 22nd June, I want to share some of the everyday ways we can bring mindful creativity into our home.
A few years back these surfaced as a trend. The “adult colouring book” was born, with intricate images of mosaic-like birds, flowers and scenes being sold in Paperchase, WH Smith and even Waterstones.
The nostalgia was irresistible and the feeling of 100% focus on staying in the lines and applying the desired amount of pressure through your multi-coloured pencil is so satisfying. Made even better by the beautiful image that you can rip out and post on your wall and look at with pride. Something that takes time and 100% focus but is a lovely reminder of what you can create when you put your mind to it.
Photos often live online, and we post them with filters, we make Pinterest collages and set them as our screen-savers. But that will never take away the feeling of getting an image printed into something tangible that can rest on a wall or be flicked-through when you want an offline throwback-Thursday.
Something quite easily done as a gift for a loved one you take time to think of the moment the image was captured and put them in a specific order to tell the tale (if you’re like me, you get out your sharpie and put the date on the back of each image).
Something that goes on all over the place at the turn of a new year, but is something that can be done at anytime. Grabbing a stack of old magazines, newspapers and print-outs of online images. Sitting to write words that can nestle between each image you have stuck to an A4/A3 sheet of paper to illustrate EXACTLY what you are manifesting.
Taking care to pick the most perfect image of a beach to represent that dream holiday, picking the most breath-taking skyline to represent your dream re-location. Putting on a good playlist and taking time to make your dreams visible and visualize all that you are striving for.
Something that is great for painting a clear concise picture of who you are and want to be more of. Beginning with “I am” they are your declaration to the World/Universe/Room of who you are showing up as “I am in control of my destiny/powerful/confident/unique…” the list can go on and on.
I find these particularly interesting as they make up most of the content I “like” on Instagram as my support and “yes you are!” to what is being said. But there is nothing quite like something you declare and speak into your life that is borne from you, your challenge, your goals and your struggle, your reflections, your lessons and your story.
All the things I explore with my clients through life coaching cause this powerful self-talk to spill out and when captured and kept front-and-centre in your life they can affect change. Sitting to think of where and who you want to be can help you find your own, grab a pen and paper (heck, a post-it will often do) and get it out there!
If you want to create a career that allows for mindful creativity or even to create space to just be, it IS possible. For encouragement along the journey, sign up to my newsletter community.
They made you think ambition was bad and a selfish pursuit. They didn't know that the World changes when ambitious folks are given the space to be exactly-that. Let me show you that space - intimate and inside your inbox.