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You don't hate it. You just met-it wrong! Linkedin is NOT an online CV and it's not a greyscale place where you apply for jobs. It's the hub of opportunity, rolodex of (meaningful) relationships and the visibility boost your career or business has been waiting for! Let me show you what I mean...

Hate linkedin Less & Leverage it without stress.

say it out loud - you know you wanna!

linkedin audit

If it's a new job I've got you, if it's finding clients, I've got you, if it's increasing visibility, I've got you. Things you can actually put your finger on.

focused on results, not overwhelm

This is not about doing everything with each feature. It's about low-lift strategies that help your Linkedin attract opportunities with minimum time from you.

shop window strategy

Whether you've been on the platform since it's inception or your reluctantly decided to join recently you'll hear something relevant.

for beginners & pros

This is about your goals and aims. Not the things you think you should and shouldn't do. It will be tailored to your experience - no blanket suggestions here.

tailored to you

We keep things simple. 1 Course, 1 Review, 4 Things.

31% of users are older millennials between the ages of 30 and 39, 23% are aged 40–49, and almost 20% are primarily within the Gen Z cohort at 18–29 years old

Did you know....?

16.2% of LinkedIn's 1 billion users members log in daily.

6 people are hired every minute through LinkedIn

taken from us data (july 2024)

40% of LinkedIn visitors organically engage with a page every week

There are 41,000 skills listed on LinkedIn

Members on LinkedIn have 2x the buying power of the average online audience



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Having lived on LinkedIn since 2010, I've honed my expertise in leveraging the platform for professional growth. I've mastered network building and personal branding allowing me to secure jobs, build relationships and attract clients.

LinkedIn started out as a way to connect with mentors and inspiring figures during university. Over the years, it's become a strategic resource where I showcase my skills, experiences, and accomplishments. An invaluable career growth tool.

Getting to know LinkedIn's algorithms, paying attention to detail and experimenting has given me unique insight into how to leverage it. I want to show you how to do the same.

None of us need another thing on our to-do-list, relationships that inauthentic or mindless peer pressure to be a thought-leader. 

We just want to be visible and attract new opportunities - let me show you how.

Meet Ambitious Careers Expert, Jaz Marfo